This map is a community-driven resource that will help anyone locate:
- Local Beekeepers and Apiaries
- Swarm Catchers and Honey Bee Removal Services
- Beekeeping Mentors
- Local Honey for Sale
- Beekeeping Equipment for Sale
- Honey Bees and Queens for Sale
- Products from the Hive for Sale
- Local Beekeeping Clubs
This map is always being updated! Should you be on this map? It's free! Just submit your location and we will publish it just the way you want. If you are already on the map and need to make corrections, just submit a new entry using the link above.
This form is to be listed on our community map, and NOT a form to communicate with us. If you need to report a bee swarm, click here. If you want to ask us a question, click here.
Beekeepers, click the button below to submit your information to be included on the map.

NOTE: Those on the list operate as independent contractors in beekeeping activities and do not in any way represent our organization, or its members. We provide this list as a public service and do not endorse or recommend the qualifications of any named person appearing on it. Members of the public using the list do so at their own risk.