SIBA Members Tyson Hermes and Jason Morgan did a presentation about bees and beekeeping at the Northern Kentucky Montessori Academy (NKMA). The City of Erlanger posted this photo on their Facebook page. "Pushing a beekeeping education is not only about securing the future for the bees, but also for those who will be keeping them." said Jason Morgan. Jason commits to 2 or 3 beekeeping presentations a year speaking to kids, organizations and even his local Boy Scout chapter.
Tyson Hermes invited Jason to come help him do a presentation to the kids at NKMA. Like Tyson, most of the beekeepers in our membership are completely capable of representing the bees to their community. "Presenting to kids is fun and rewarding. When you teach others, you sharpen your own saw and at the same time, encounter unique opportunities to inspire someone else" said Jason.
We're looking for others who are willing to represent the honey bees by donating some time to speak at various events and occasions. The fact is, SIBA is contacted quite frequently by local schools and organizations seeking someone to come and speak to various constituents about bees and beekeeping. The club has teaching frames, a honeybee lifecycle poster and even a projector and screen if the need arised. Other than that, most beepeepers have all the basic equipment needed for a great presentation on beekeeping.
Jason says "When I pick up my smoker, I think of three different ways I think bees react to a puff of smoke when I blow it into a hive. It's fun picking one and turning it into a story for the kids!" If you are interested in becoming a presenter, talk to us! If we fould a couple more people interested in helping, we could respond to most of the inquires we get. The world is fascinated with bees, and they knock on our door to learn more!
Thanks to all those helping spread the gospel for the bees!