SIBA Calendar

SIBA Monthly Meeting
March 20 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Jim Orem will be leading discussion on performing colony splits, for loss replacement and increase.
Splitting colonies is a basic "tool" every beekeeper should know. There are several methods and purposes for splitting colonies including swarm control and increasing the number of colonies in your apiary.
Come and learn what splitting is all about and bring your questions while Jim takes us through the process this Thursday at the Sunman American Legion at 6:30pm. Meetings are free to the public and all are welcome!
If you've missed a previous newsletter, find them all archived here.
SIBA Meetings occur the 3rd Thursday of each month through the year with topics being added to the event ahead of each meeting. Meetings are held at 6:30pm at the Sunman American Legion unless otherwise stated ahead of time in the newsletter and website. We're also looking for volunteers to help make the club GO. Contact us to let us know you are interested in helping out!
Check the website or Facebook for the latest information.
- SIBA Facebook Page - General Announcements, etc.
- SIBA Instagram Page
- Discussion Group - Bee questions answered within 24 hours