Category Archives: Uncategorized

Guest Post: Bees and Beneficial Insects

By Sam at In the past decade, the plight of the honey bees has become a very important issue, and rightly so, as they play an essential part in the growth of crops and produce. Many do not realize that bees aren't just there to produce honey. They also play an important part in…
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SIBA Makes Mite Washing kits to Raffle off at Summer Meetings

Submitted by J. Morgan A group of SIBA members, advocating the importance of beekeepers knowing their mite infestations, gathered together to create our version of a mite wash kit. It's a fact that most colony deaths are the result of varroa mites. Mites secretly build when the beekeeper isn't looking causing not only colony mortality,…
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Dwight Wells Slide Deck from the March 2016 Meeting

Contributed by Jerry Rinehart SIBA wishes to thank Dwight Wells for visiting us in March and sharing information on mite management and and ideas on how to populate our area with better bees. Here are some brief talking points from his presentation, but you can find this and much more in the included PDF that is linked…
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February 2016 SIBA Meeting Recap

Contributed by J. Morgan It was a large turn-out with about 53 people in attendance. Typical meetings have a mix of new and second, third or forth year beekeepers, so we lead a discussion on building up colonies that made it through the winter and develop a plan for each hive. We suggested ideas,…
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