Submitted by D. Donk and J.Orem Updated 12-28-16 with the most recent swarm trap plans compliments of Jeff Jump and Jason Bruns. These guys took this information to heart and made it easy for anyone wanting to build the ideal swarm traps from a 4x8 sheet of plywood. You can make two traps with one…
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A Basic Lesson in Nosema
Contributed by Susan Shank and J. Morgan The June 2015 SIBA Moores Hill meeting was somewhat of a milestone for our group. As of now, we're capable of testing for nosema, and we not only viewed some real nosema spores under a microscope at the meeting, but we also captured some images and video of the spores…
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Of Bugs, Blooms & Vittles: Honeybees heading into winter
By Chandra L. Mattingly One hive richer than in the winter of 2013, I'm hoping my honeybees will winter as well as last year. To recap this year, all three of my backyard beehives came through last winter with strong populations. Due to the drought, I'd fed honey cappings over the inner covers in September…
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Bugs, Blooms and Vittles, What the bees are up to
Bugs, Blooms and Vittles By Chandra Mattingly After a week of rain, we had some sunshine Sunday, July 7, and I was able to check my beehives for the first time since taking honey off June 21. I was glad I did so: while the three hives I checked closely had honey stores, two of…
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