Join us in Evansville, Indiana, Tuesday, June 28 – Friday, July 1, 2022 for the return of the HAS conference. Featured speakers will include Dr. Michael Smith – Auburn University, Dr. Brock Harpur – Purdue University, and Randy Oliver.
SIBA Monthly Meeting – Marketing Honey & Indiana Labeling Regulations
Mike and Debbie Seib will present "Marketing Honey & Indiana Labeling Regulations" and give us an update on The Beekeepers of Indiana and the upcoming Bee school in February.
SIBA Monthly Meeting – Swarm Prevention for Honey Production
Garry Reeves and Jeff Montag will be demonstrating their methods for “Swarm Prevention for Honey Production”.
SIBA Monthly Meeting – Queen Rearing Basics and Equipment
Mike Bentz will be presenting “Queen Rearing Basics and Equipment”.